I just don't get it.  What on earth does putting a paper plate of shaving foam on to someone else actually achieve ?  So perhaps he doesn't like Rupert Murdoch, BSkyB or News International.  So don't subscribe to the satellite channel or buy the newspapers or just plain ignore the man.  There are some ten million people who subscribe to Sky.  If everyone was so anti-Murdoch, then peoples principles would stop them getting the dish.  But either people don't have those principles or they don't care about Murdoch.  So that begs the questions, what's the point ?  Perhaps the comedian was looking to get some publicity on a struggling career ?

Either way, he's managed to achieve nothing apart from a few minutes in the limelight before hopefully passing in to the same obscurity from which he came.  And no, I won't help him by linking to him.
So its congrats to Tom Pellereau for winning this years Apprentice.  Is it me or did the actual win seem a little less interesting as it was really just like watching Dragon's Den ?  If they all had a business case / plan and needed £250k of investment and have an experienced entrepreneur support them, it seems like that show has already been done before.
Apparently, according to the email I received today from Weebly, traffic is skyrocketing here with a mammoth 22 visits.  Thank you to each and everyone of you who's bothered to come here !
So here's the first thing I've properly got to mention and it's already a day late.  13th July 2011 was 200 years since Sir George Gilbert Scott was born.  A fantastic and not necessarily well known architect by name, most people will recognise his styles and certainly some of his buildings.  One of my most favourite is the Midland Grand Hotel at St Pancras Station.  A beautiful, iconic building.  The sheer number of buildings credited to him is astounding and all of them as incredible as the next.

So I've tried to create websites in the past but never had the time or inclination or found anything of interest to put on it.  Looking around the web, I would say that's the same for many other people.  Only they still publish.  So I think I might try too.  This blog isn't the first I've ever started and probably won't be the last.  No idea if I will be regular as clock work or just let it fade.  Anyway, here goes.......
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